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wang yijie.
keming primary
commenwealth secondary
NE rep(me and Amos)

blood violin


MySpace Playlist at MixPod.com

beef noodles
Ying Qi
Jun Ho

Chinese group blog 1-1
Ms Ong

The forever 6 Diamond 2007-2008

An Qi
Ting Wei
Su Ning
Shao Yi
Sok Fang
Wei Na

June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009

welcome passers
SPEEDCOUNTER.NET - free counter!
Resources © one! two! three! four! five!
hate it
Friday, August 28, 2009
got problem with my blogger again. i want to upload some picture but don't why cannot upload.
yeasterday ting han went to china. the plane is 1p.m. i wonder why he still want to come school as he can only attend two block of lesson. he go during our ressess time. he want to go back home and then going to airport.
it take one and half hour for him to reach to the airport.
how pitchful! i will need around 2hour to reach. (by public transport)
I like to take the mrt to changi, don't why. maybe because the train is not crowded and i hate the smell in the taxi.
but maybe next time can try travel to there not using the pubic transport.
i wish i can also go back to china. but kind of afraid the toilet i will face there.
it is a nightmare to me. all kinds of toilet i see, that one in the gas station is the worst!
i really wish really wish i will never saw that again!

i left a note...7:06 PM

what a day!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
What a strage day?
Wonder why I feel today is so different from the other.
maybe just becuse of my heart
or maybe it shows writing on the wall.

Yesterday decide to went back to Keming in the last minute. Thanks to Darryl's SMS.
Took 176 and get down on the stop just after it pass the bridge.
If the time can turn back i wish i will just get back at west mall.
The road is so long that it look like endless to me,thought i had been walking on that road for about three months last year. I also need to walk 25minutes non stop to get to tuition centre just after sup. What a memorably year!

Arrived at the main gate about 10.50. I was wonder whether can go in then Richal called me. She change new hair style. Cut her hair. She say, I am Richal, remember? actually i remember, but don't know how to react.

Walking along the path and sending the SMS at the same time. Suddenly hear someone called,forgot who.
It is terrible!
Hui Kang , Hui Xiang and Jac running toward me.
I think is hui kang ask my handphone no first.so we exchange our phone number.

We walk together to the forie.-don't know how to spell anyone know must tell me.
Hao an , Eugene,Theck sean,Ting Wei,Kah Seng they all are there!
I taught should be very less people come. Kevin say very less people will.

Alisha come later, so is Xi qun.
Everybody change so much.

Darryl came before Sok Fang. Still so quiet! I wonder why he is so shy.
Some of the classmate know him longer than i do.

Alex came too, but not as short as last year of course.

We are block the guard. Hui Kang say we walk the other way then make a circle in.

But the boys are more .......
They walk to basketball court then to the blk which we use to use.
however are caught by the guard too.

There are only Amethyst and Diamond came and some of the Emerlad. Amethyst are li yi,yun yu they all.
Never saw Rui Ting.
Diamond and Amethyst is about one quator.

Theck Sean say we united together and go in nobody can stop us! cool! outside is really hot and we are the ex student why can't let us in.

So we urge with the guard. cool man! Back in school scay about the thing of punishment, now who cares.

Mrs Lee is the first teacher go out with an ice-cream in her hands.
She say the teachers are having meeting so she need to eat ice-cream as her lunch.

Miss Inpa went out too. She say ice-cream is her breakfast. Miss Inpa haven't been any chang.
Just as Hui Kiang say,"Miss I npa 还是一点没变。"

Then Teck Sean came and say,"Kah Yiong is waiting for you to come there." Then i look Kah Yiong is really tidying himself and sitting on the forie. Then Mr Tey come,he talk to the guard and we can go in!!

Actually it is his order to add so many gurad in the school!

So we went in and go to the IMR.(forget the name always mix it another room) wher ethe teacher held their meeting.

Got a glace of Mdm Tong and the teacher that incharge of wushi. She is incharge of chinese flok song singing competition in2006,wonder she still remember me?
The teacher say Mrs Hhen has go back to the office. So we go to the office.

That is what a good thing to the exstudent.
We knock the door which are not supposed to.

A teacher came to open and are shock by us. big group of student.
Then we saw Mrs Hhen! She quickly put her finger across her lip as we are shouting her name out.
It is in the staff room and lots of teacher look at us.

Teck Sean ask her did she still remember him,she say ,"no."

Hui Xiang,Richal, Hui Kiang,Sok Fang also ask her if she still remember them.
Too bad she never saw me!

I heard from Teck Sean that 吴老师is no longer in Keming, beacuse of that letter.
I can still remember it.
I remember went back to the classroom after the higher chinese saw her crying and saying,"我怎么做,没想到的到这种待遇。我是为他好......"

She really cries. Just like the 唐老师 cry beacuse we 不为她着想,给她很多的压力。
I don't know where she went as the staff didn't say. But I remember having her as my art teacher,she is quit nice and kind. 非常不公平的待遇。

I lotter around the the bridge that part . near the toilet and the staff room. with Teck Sean and Darryl.
I finally have a person to talk to about Darryl.
Told Teck Sean that: Darryl act as if he never know if, althought we are not close.BUT we had been in the same class for three years and i didn't bully him like the other do. He is the only person from the same class as me .And that Zi Mai get to that whatever chinese school,i should appeal too. Then i will never need to see Kevin's face that clearly say: I WIN YOU!
The amount of sentenc i talk with Darryl is like two per month. And sometimes he act as if i am nobody.


Teck Sean say our releationship is "unnatural", of course is unnatural, never saw any ex-classmate act like that!

Later we able to get 唐老师 out of the staff room. 唐老师说她正在疯狂的改作业,我们考完了,她还要继续教啊!
She say chinese dance is now preparing for the SYF.
Saw the vdieo put on the school wesite.
She say we can came back to see the dance.

Later I got saw Yun Xian and Jie Qing.

Sok Fang tell me to say goodbye to the boys and the Amethyst boys. 有问题!

Me ,sok fang,jac,hui kiang hui xiang went to the Mcdonald for lunch. We stand at the path near the crossroad
which is on top of the path we run for 1.6.

We took lots of photos, wonder why they all don't want.
被 WEI QI她们拍得太多了,都当成家常便饭了。好像想在也比较敢和ZHENG XIN 他们打招呼了。
By the way Zheng Xin grow a lots, he is so high. Not like during the primary school anymore.

I saw a gang of ex keming student from hillgrove. One of them is mine primary two classsmate. I sit with him for three month. He has change a lots, he use to be very "乖" and attentive.

Gina and her friend walk pass me,i ask her phone no then she ask me,"那个你叫什么名字啊?". I faint. "is it yi zhe", i faint again.

I want to buy the hot milo but there only left ice so i buy the hot tea. SO HOT! I ADD LOTS OF SUGAR BUT LATER FIND IT VERY DISGUISING. The kunch cost me $5! so much. just like my counsin say, 一下回到解放前! wu~wu~wu~

Mrs Lee and some other keming teacher also are there. Some of the Amethyst.

We seperate after the lunch. About 1.30p.m. I went with Jac to buy the packet for her handphone. We pass a shop and i saw the machine.(That kind to put a coin into and turn and the ball will roll out). I want that bracelet connected with a ring. I borror one dllar from Jac and and and. I didn't get the bracelet i want, get a bracelet that is naturo. 吊坠是绸卷上面有木叶的护额。

Jac buy a black bag,she say it is vey soft and smooth. But i think it is quit dull don't have any pattern.

Jac forget she have to project in 2.00. She phone her friend and tell them to go if she did not reach at 2.30p.m.

We say goodbye to each other and go back. mun want me to go back to look after my sister. reach home about a little pass 2.


i left a note...2:36 AM

5 station
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
I have my 5 station last Wednesday.

Standing Board Jump jump 2 times but still fall.


Sit & Reach if push 1cm further

can get B?A?

(forget what i get)

Inclined Pull Up

Thanks to Mr Tay

I get 16,one more and can get A.

Sit Up get 30

Jolyn help me to hold my feet,

feel very painful to my buttock

If do one more can get A which is the same result as last year!

shutter run for the second time of my life

That one I pass for 2s,

This one i think i can get a C.

So that's end of my 5 station.

I think I can get a sliver this time but need to get 4points in 2.4km run.


i left a note...1:30 AM

Green Club- Urban agriculture
I was doing a project on urban agriculture which is based on the CTW. I was in a group with -- and --. There are total of ten people involving this project.But I only saw nine,wonder who is the 10th person.
Mrs Lin say is a girl.But there are only three girls for the sec 1. We are all chosed by Mrs Lin or it should be chosen. As she just select us anyhow just because we are the first of the few who had finshed filling the form.

I am not going to talking about urban agriculture as it really give me lots of headache. While,it was actually involving with the our dear member who want things to be done in his own way.I not going to say anything far if not he will think i am very pettiness.
We should let the sleeping dog lie!

i left a note...1:24 AM

common test / health
Got problem with my blogger so did not post any!*-* forgive me.

I get really get crowded with exams and common test.
First history, math, geography,science.
Just finish my science ,topic tested are osmosis & diffusion and digestion.
Two every confusing topic.
carbohydrase, pancreatic lipase, protease,intestinal lipase,maltase,peptidrase.......
When doing the paper saw one question.
Why osmosis is consisting as one of diffusion?
This one do before, but never check the answer.
Others know how to do but not very sure if it is gile broke down fats into small molecules or broke down protein into small molecules.
I think i answer one question wrongly.

Geo is fine. 29.5/40
Math I wasn't very pleased. Just as my mother say I could score higher if i I am not careless.32/40
Histiory is quit easy. Teacher say is will be the first and the last paper that you get question like this. 21/25.

I hate to move the commontest to wednesday.
Although it make Wednesday very free..
Wish it still be Monday.
Wednesday still have PE. (let me remember of Mr V luckily don't have him as PE teacher)

Get sick on Saturday, sore throat. I leave it to cure itself then it get worse.
I skip Young Artists Club.
Still get worse on Monday.
It was so worst that I lost my voice and can only say sth on afternoon.
But I got flu on Tuesday.
What we call xue shang jia shuang

I skip my 2.4 run! yap!



i left a note...12:36 AM