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wang yijie.
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beef noodles
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June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009

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第三篇— forth outing
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Last Sunday I went to Hindhede Nature Park, Bukit Timah Hill (武吉知马山海希德公园) for my forth outing. I need to attend at least five outing. I really hate outing. Why Mr Ye want to increase the number of outing we need to attend. Weekends become a hell to me!
I only went there once, it was when i was P3. I remember Mr Ye tell the seniors to draw the cliff,I was thinking luckily I wasn't the one to draw.I was very scared to draw it as it was very difficuit to. It is lke go to draw the Little Gui Ling. Lots of people get B and some get C. Only one or two get a A. Mr Ya never bring us there again,but don't think we dare to go there again.
But this one is very easy , I finish I on 11.20. That's really unbelievable! I never able to finish the drawing so eariler. The spot is also prefect. No sunlight,no rain,no worms,no wet floor,no sand,no soil. It is quite clean and cool with trees covering the sunlight.The only thing is there are small leaves flew down and drop onto my drawing.
I past up all my three drawing and get A- for all three. Just what I think.
Mr Ye say this was the last time we come as the security guard say there are too mant people, we need to ask for permit before we come. -^-
I was wishing to come again, I was never to went back home so eailer.
This is my drawing!


i left a note...7:56 PM

第二篇 下 outing
Tuesday, June 16, 2009


i left a note...4:35 AM

第二篇 — outing
Monday, June 15, 2009
Last Sunday i went to Kanji Farm Resort for the outing.i need to bring four people to go the place where we take the bus.That is really irritating,just because of them i was late.Luckily the bus didn't go.When we arrived at the farm,it was about 9.00.All the stores haven't open so the farm is all to us.A parent took us a trip around the farm. Most of the crops have been reap.The sun was really hot and there are two small scarecrow tied on wood sticks.
The farm also has a big pond for people to catch shrimp.The water is very fishy. One hour $25,three hour $70. I still there untill 12.30 but never saw anyone able to catch one.One parents why don't they jump down to catch then surely able to catch one.He say it is really waste of money,he would rather went to market, use $10 to buy shrimps. But in the bathtube and catch.
There were small cars like bicycle,you can rent it and ride it aroung the farm.About 10.00 the farm the full of children ridding the car and we need to move to give space for then! CRAZY! There are so much space in the farm and the road i0s wide.WHY WE MUST, MOVE NOT THEN! They ride like snake sliding,i think they should the one be carfully.I want if they really know how to control the car.
There is a long line of shops which there sell homemade ice-cream、chilli plant、herb、plants grown in the farm ...... There is even a shop for children to play but i think is a waste of money as it is really childish.
Mr Ye tell us to look for the scenery ourselve.The scenery must show people that it is a farm not a shophouse.It was difficuit to find a place to place my mat and belongings.The floor is full of millipede and ants.It is even more than our school. I accidently step on one of millipede. I heard that one millipede or worm creep into one of senier's bag.There are also lots of dead bodies(millipede)which are usually carry back by ants to their home.
One thing i want to remember you that i think the thing sell there is quite expensive and there is nearry no tree and no shadowy.I was very giddy and want to vomit after standing under the torridity sun for one and half hour.I found a place beside a shophouse and it is under the shadow with plants around it. I was cooler compare to the others.
I heard loud thundering for three time,foruntatey, there is no heavy pour. Satursday's outing is ruin by the rain.There was a small rain at 12.00 and the sun was still there.I was under the shade so doesn't really matter me. When the bus came to took us,there was strong winds at the gate.Looks like finally going to rain. I couldn't finish my drawing again!
My lunch is beef noodles.I think last time's soup is better.However the noodles is better for this stall.I think the best beef noodles is still the shop in a China near my house.

P.S i have took some picture. Post it next time

i left a note...8:19 PM

Thursday, June 11, 2009
Wei Qi 买了芦荟文头雪,淋上酸酐汁,好清凉。我们一边吃一边聊刚开学时的事。
再说牛楼拉面,不-及-格!面明显不是手工拉出来的,不然就是放了什么粉,细细的但又没味道。不过汤很鲜美,现在有点后悔,牛肉剩下很多么吃掉。心痛我的钱。汤微淡,我加路很多醋,WEI Qi她尝了也说汤好喝,Rissa真该好好尝尝。你会爱上它的。×—×
我和Rissa都吃到很饱。Wei Qi嘛,两点多的时候就再喊肚子饿了。看到她在吃饼干我也不懂也觉得有点饿。嘴馋了,这一定是心理反应。Rissa家的饼干好好吃,浓浓的鸡蛋香,甜丝丝的又不觉得厌。我们今天吃了她家一半的饼干。
再次谢谢Rissa,Wei Qi 帮我做这个部落格,好好玩呢。其实本人也挺懒得大这么多字。可我不喜欢打英文。如果可以,我想放牛肉拉面的壁纸。我更你说哦,牛肉拉面是世上最好吃的拉面,面是用手功拉出来,非常有弹性,嚼劲。面可以不用配汤,就那么吃,你会发现原来面也是有味道的,加上汤就是极品中。。。。。。


i left a note...3:42 AM